Wednesday, 1 July 2015

The woman on the tightrope: making a "boat" bag for survival strategies

I found it useful, in the Women's Support Group, to intersperse creative sessions with structured discussion as this helped to build confidence and widen thinking. In this session the creativity was used to reinforce the last session on navigating through the "storm".

Making the bag

The bag was a small simple drawstring bag and a fabric boat was glued onto it for decoration. The boat could also be appliquéd. For the bag, cut a fabric rectangle 22cm x 15 cm, fold this in half along the 22 cm side and glue or sew the boat pieces onto the front. Fold it with right sides together and sew down the 15 cm side (leaving a 2cm gap about 2 cm from the top) and across the bottom. Form a 2 cm casing along the top and sew it in place. Thread thin ribbon, wool or cord through the gap in the side seam to act as a draw-string. Purchased bags could also be used.

The boat appliqué below can be downloaded free from this link:

Adding survival strategies

A list of survival strategies, based on ideas shared in the previous sessions and grouped under headings, was provided and then symbols for each strategy were brainstormed and listed next to that strategy. To acknowledge the diversity of meanings for individuals , more than one symbol was chosen for each strategy, and we kept brainstorming until everyone had a symbol that they could relate to.

The survival strategies were cut out and glued onto an appropriately sized piece of cardboard and then, during the following session,  the women were encouraged to glue a picture of their chosen symbol onto the other side of the cardboard (googled pictures were provided).

These were the strategies and symbols:

Survival strategy
Rainbow     Dove     Sunrise
List of things to do
Being active
Light bulb     Lightning strike
Trying new experiences
Dora the explorer     Sky diver     Explorer     Bushwalking     Canoeing rapids
Doing things we enjoy
Sunrise     Rainbow     Music     Ocean waves

Being around those we trust
Hug     Kiss     Rose     Dove     Heart
Standing up for ourselves
Figure with hands on hips    
Hands up to “stop”      Stop sign
X-ray     Eye    
Looking inwards through a window
Offload writing
Lassie     Skippy the bush kangaroo     Lion
Tear     Super hero
Standing on top of a mountain
Confidence and self-esteem
Being positive
Thumbs up     Pat on back    
Julie Andrews “I have confidence in me”
Nutritious food
Exercise/ walking
Taking care of physical conditions
Walking     Make-over/ facial     Pamper
Before and after pictures
One step at a time
Bird on eggs     Phone calls to queue lines     Solitaire     Fishing     Clock     Slow cooker     Stepping stones     Fruit cake cooking
Challenge self-blame and guilt
Sail against the wind     Windmill    
Walking up a hill
Giving ourselves space from unhelpful people
Not listening to unhelpful voices
Chain mail     Police     Tent     Hooded parka     Crucifix     Screen     Castle with moat
Hot shower or bath
Spend time with pets
Crochet rug     Candles     Cat     Fountain     Pamper     Harp     Hot water bottle
Safe spaces/ rest ports
Places we can drop our guard and be free to be ourselves
Our own comfortable spaces

Lounge with blanket and cat     Park   
 Head phones     Fishing fleet in harbour
Skills to stay afloat
Realistic expectations
Award ribbon     Knitting     “How to” book     Certificate     Graduation mortar board  
  Glass of champagne   

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