Saturday, 18 May 2019

Walking through the rain

On a recent visit to the Warrumbungles National Park we experienced some showery days but, having come to unwind with some bush-walking, we chose to still venture forth. One of our walks was up to Tara Cave, an Aboriginal Site where grinding grooves could be seen in the rock. However, the walk itself, through showers of rain, had me thinking about finding the strength to walk through the rainy times in our lives – times of personal struggles when life becomes more challenging.

Crossing slippery rocks. During these times we need to navigate with more care.

Staying on the pathway. We need to find a way through our experiences and persevere, believing that we will get through them.

Being aware and present. At these times we need to try to stay focused on now, rather than the past or the future, taking one careful step at a time and being mindful of our surroundings.

Seeing the broader vistas. Widening our viewpoint and feeling part of a larger picture may help us through these times.

Tapping into ancient wisdom. Inner strength comes from former experiences and the wisdom of others.

Taking care on slippery boardwalks. Self-care becomes important too, as well as insight into threats and dangers.

Cloudy and softened vistas. Seeking comfort and time-out from the starkness of the experience helps us to survive.

Seeing the rainbows. Difficult times are often learning experiences that can strengthen our characters.

Feeling cleansed. After we have made it through the rain, we may feel cleansed and renewed.

Puddles left behind. We can leave the residues of the experiences behind us and move on into a new day.

Remember: The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.       Socrates

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