But there are some things that can help us to survive this month,
and some opportunities that can be taken up in this less busy time.
Cultivate being
Life needs to be a balance between being and doing, and this
month provides an opportunity to build more times of “being” into our lives
before “doing” takes over again. One of the best ways of “being” is
mindfulness, and I have found two good resources to assist with this.
Sarah Rudell Beach of “Left Brain Buddha” offers a blog and
free (as well as paid) courses on Mindfulness. Her style is relaxed, realistic
and non-dogmatic and she is very generous in sharing resources. Left Brain
Buddha can be accessed at:
Insight Timer is a website or App that offers thousands of
free guided meditations (including some Christian ones, for those who are
seeking these), and can be found at:
Expand your mind
This month is a good time to do some reading (borrow books
from the local Library) and/ or to learn a new skill (there are many opportunities
on the internet and these can be sourced by doing a simple google search).
Find creative things to do
There is time now to be spent on following creative
interests and hobbies, by either starting new projects or finding unfinished
ones that may have been relegated to the cupboard. This can result in a sense
of achievement and possibly a chance to build up a store of gifts to give to
others throughout the year (or even to prepare for next Christmas). Small projects,
that are not too hot to work on, can use up left-over materials from other projects.
Take time to do some organising
Planning for the year ahead can be as simple as writing
reminders on a calendar or in a diary, or more in depth. Rhonda Hetzel on her “Down
to Earth” blog wrote some good ideas on
this topic this time last year, and these can be accessed here:
https://down---to---earth.blogspot.com/2018/01/january-thinking-about-year-ahead-and.htmlInformal gatherings
Whilst taking a break from formal groups, take advantage of opportunities for informal gatherings, by inviting friends over, arranging spontaneous coffee mornings, meeting friends for lunch, and generally doing the socialising that it can be difficult to find time for during the rest of the year.