Thursday, 27 April 2017

Hope 2

Hope is the thing that keeps us moving forward in life and a way out of “stuckness”. If we look around us, nature provides abundant examples of hope. Some novels give messages of hope (e.g. All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, which tells a WW2 story about a blind French girl who has inner sight and courage and a German boy who, despite enduring the brainwashing and brutality of a Nazi Youth training camp, manages to maintain a kernel of compassion).

Shafts of light through the darkness

Hope is like a shaft of light in the dark patches of our lives and, if we try hard enough, we will always find some light, however small, if we take the time to look for it. It may simply be the support of a caring person. Remember that all the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of one small candle.

A great resource for finding shafts of light in the darkness is the set of Deeper Shadows cards produced by Innovative Resources:

Inspiration from nature

Nature abounds with signs of new life and new growth after catastrophic events like bushfires, or even simply after something dies.

Here are some other examples that I have observed:

Remember to look for hope, especially when life seems very dark.

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