The first laundry bag that I made was for an Aussie Service man or woman currently serving overseas, and more information and instructions can be found here: Aussie Hero Quilts and Laundry Bags
I have subsequently used the same instructions to make a laundry bag for our caravan and bags for Christmas gifts, appliqueing "Laundry" to the gift bags as an additional touch.
Making the bag
This is how I went about sewing them:
After cutting out the front and back, I added a feature strip and applique to the front.
Then I sewed the side and bottom seams (right sides together), made a lining the same way, (but leaving a gap in the bottom seam for turning), and inserted the lining into the bag, right sides together.
The casing was inserted between the bag and the lining before sewing the bag and lining together around the top (with the bag inside out). I made hems on the ends of the pieces of casings before doing this (see below).
I then threaded through thick piping cord and tied the ends together in a knot.
And ended up with this!
Other versions
Remember: Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver. Barbara DeAngelis