During these tumultuous and challenging times, I have found this prayer to be a source of comfort and strength, and would like to share it both in its original form, and in an adaptation by Maria Gullo in her guided meditation on the Insight Timer App.
Reflections of a Rural Social Worker
Saturday, 2 October 2021
The prayer of St. Frances de Sales
Tuesday, 14 September 2021
Our downsizing journey
Earlier this year we made the decision to sell our farm and to eventually move into an Over 50's Lifestyle Village on the Mid-North Coast of NSW. Since then, we have reached settlement with the sale of our property, prepared to have an on-line clearing sale in October, and taken out a contract for a house in a newly developing Lifestyle Village, which will not be completed until May of June next year (at this stage). These are some of the aspects of this journey that we have experienced thus far:
Setting "trains" in motion on various "lines"
Decluttering our house
Clearing sheds and preparing for a Clearing Sale
Coming to terms with living in a house that we no longer own
Remember: When we finally let go of what no longer serves us, what we're holding, what we know, we make room to invite new wisdom, new choices, new freedom. Tamara Levitt
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
The thing that you have dreaded has now come to pass
In Central West NSW we have had relatively few positive cases of Covid 19 until now, but all this has changed almost overnight. In our local town there are, of today, 9 cases and some have been infectious in the community. Testing numbers are alarmingly low and the threat has become very real. It has also been quite difficult to obtain Covid Vaccinations locally until last week, with overstretched and inadequate GP services being the only sources. My husband and I chose to travel 125 kms to another town back in May to obtain our first AstraZeneca dose and had to do the same just over a week ago for the second dose, before the two local Pharmacies and an ADF pop-up clinic came on line last week.
Allow reactions
Fear of what may happen is harder to live with than reality
Survival mode and daily living
Break the numbers down
Fresh air to clear the head
Remember: The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. Elisabeth Kubler Ross
Thursday, 12 August 2021
Just do the next thing
In current times it can be difficult to stay focused and motivated and, instead, we can just drift into letting days flow slowly past in a state of brain fog. When this happens, I have found it helpful to go into "just do the next thing" mode to maintain some sense of achievement in my days. The benefits of this can be as follows:
It doesn't matter how long a task takes
It reduces procrastination
The pressure is taken away
Anxiety is reduced
Regular routines can be incorporated
Or we can just stay in randomness
A caution
Remember: Every morning brings new potential, but if you dwell on the misfortunes of the day before, you tend to overlook tremendous opportunities. Harvey MacKay
Monday, 8 March 2021
A gift package for the laundry
Last Christmas I made up laundry gift packages for my adult children and their partners, using the laundry bag and peg bag patterns I have covered in previous posts.
This is how I did it:
First take one Enamel Basin from Odgers and McClelland Exchange Store (I used mail order);
Another version:
Remember: Sometimes when we don't have the courage to change, everything changes around us to direct us to a new path. Rhonda Byrne.
Tuesday, 2 March 2021
Bag of the month: laundry bag
The first laundry bag that I made was for an Aussie Service man or woman currently serving overseas, and more information and instructions can be found here: Aussie Hero Quilts and Laundry Bags
I have subsequently used the same instructions to make a laundry bag for our caravan and bags for Christmas gifts, appliqueing "Laundry" to the gift bags as an additional touch.
Making the bag
This is how I went about sewing them:
Other versions
Remember: Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver. Barbara DeAngelis
Wednesday, 17 February 2021
Lessons from another river
Having completed our following of the Murrumbidgee River, we had a yen to explore one closer to home. Our journey along the Lachlan River began in November 2019 and is still continuing, due to interruptions from Covid 19, but in this post I want to concentrate on the headwaters of the River, before it reaches Wyangla Dam (or even half way to there).